

E-Math project has reached its end and results have been released to the general public.

The release includes a set of electronic textbooks in three languages for three different countries and a collection of software components. Released books are versions that are ment to be used by students. These books are not connected to any network service by default, and hence the solutions written in these books can not be sent to the teacher and they are not backed up to the server either. The connection information of the networkservice can be added later, when needed.

Teachers' version of the books include additionally some tools that are intended only for teachers and solutions for assignments. Therefore teachers' books will be delivered only for teachers by request. Since the E-Math project has ended, these requests and other questions can be sent with e-mail to the address info@fourferries.fi.

Released software components

Software components created in the project can be downloaded from GitHub service.

Released books

Books can be downloaded as zip-files. That file must be unzipped in some place on your own computer. The book can be opened by opening the html-file located in the folder that came from that zip-file.
Important! The book will not work, if you try to open it inside the zip-file without unzipping it first.

If an ebook is opened with Firefox, it asks the user to install a browser plugin that enables the saving in the user's own computer. Other browsers can be used to browse the book, but the solutions can not be saved.

Finnish curriculum

in Finnish in Swedish

Swedish curriculum

Estonian curriculum

The contents of the website reflect the authors' views. The Managing Authority of the Central Baltic INTERREG IVA Programme cannot be held liable for the information published by the project partners.