

Mathematics is the most studied topic in schools and a high level of competence in mathematics is required to further develop the high tech industry. The teaching of mathematics has, however, long been unchanged, much due to the fact that writing higher level mathematics on computers has been virtually impossible.

As the education world is slowly switching pen and paper for computers and tablets, there was a clear need for something that could take mathematics into the digital era. Many of the e-books on the market today are really only digitalized copies of the traditional text books and do not on their own give any added value to teaching.

The aim of the E-Math project was not just to write books but to create a new way of teaching that would improve the students’ understanding and knowledge of mathematics. By combining a different way of presenting mathematics called structured derivations with interactive e-books, the project wanted to create a substance based teaching method that would not just bring computers into maths class but actually make them a useful pedagogical tool.

The contents of the website reflect the authors' views. The Managing Authority of the Central Baltic INTERREG IVA Programme cannot be held liable for the information published by the project partners.