The technology
Browser based - can be used on any computer
The E-Math books are implemented as local HTML5 files, which can be read with any modern web browser. As the books are browser based, they are not tied to a single computer but can be used on several computers, e.g. on a computer at school and on another at home to do homework.
The writing of mathematics made possible through a specially designed editor
In the E-Math books, the writing of mathematical text is made possible through a specially designed web based editor. The editor was developed before the E-Math project by the same system developers at Åbo Akademi University that have built the software for the e-books. The editor is platform independent and works in any modern web browser. The writing of mathematics is done either through LaTeX commands or by using an easy button panel and the editor shows mathematical formulas in proper format as they are typed.
No internet connection needed
In order to make the books as easy and inexpensive as possible, they have been developed so that they can be used offline as well as online. Internet is needed for handing in homework or communicating with students but reading the book and solving exercises in the book can be done without internet access.
Interactive functionalities give added possibilities
The books also have several interactive features like exercises with immediate feedback, a drawing function to draw graphs and a course management system that enables teacher-student communication through the book. These, as well as the rest of the functions, have been developed with different plugins and if one would wish to develop them further, any html-based material could easily be added to the book.
Available as open source at the start of 2014
All of the software developed in the E-Math project is developed in open source code and will be available to all starting in January 2014.